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  Queen Charlottes Fishing Trip July - 2006
Here is a link to where we went  http://www.mvmarabell.com/
(click on any photo to enlarge)
I have larger photos at home if you would like me to send any to you.
Just email me...

Queen Charlottes Fishing Trip July - 2005
One of the best trips I've ever been on. 5 Days of the best fishing ever.
Here is a link to where we went  http://www.mvmarabell.com/
(click on any photo to enlarge)

The Fleet

Coming in for lunch

Dad, Comtois, Belway

Ralph & Dave Belway

JD (organizer of the trip)

The Frog

Master Fisherman

Salty Dog

One of the many fish we caught

Tobago - October 2004
Laurie and I celebrated my birthday by renting a tiny house on the beach in Tobago. Tobago is at the southern end of the Caribbean, off the coast of Venezuela. We spent two weeks doing nothing but swimming, relaxing, reading books and feeding the local wildlife (birds, bats, lizards, frogs -- you name it!). It was fantastic!
(Click on any photo to enlarge.)

Our house, seen from the beach

We rented one half of the downstairs

On the deck

Who knew that lizards like bread??

The canopy around our bed protected us from critters jumping on us in the night, since all the windows are uncovered.

Standing at one end of our apartment, looking to the other end.  It was very small
but perfect for us.

Views from the beach in front of our house

Looking down over the town of Castara
during one of the daily rainstorms. The small beach right behind the rainbow is ours.

There were a zillion of these tiny birds,
called mot-mots. They raided the bread right out of our kitchen!

Our beach

Sunset from our deck

Patch, the neighbourhood cat.

Drumheller - Summer 2004
Laurie, Kaelyn and I visited Drumheller and the Royal Tyrrell Museum, the world's leading paleontology research centre. Kae loved the afternoon camp just for kids.
(Click on any photo to enlarge.)

Kae and Laurie

T-Rex up close

Kae and hmmm??

T-Rex again

Gonna have to ask Kaelyn what it is.

Kaelyn and Raptor

The Hoodoos

Sittin' around (it was hot)

I'm over here !

She climbed those hoodoos like a mountain goat!

Tahiti and New Zealand - Oct 2003
Laurie & I met up with Mom & Dad in Tahiti, then flew to the smaller island of Raitea, rented a 38' catamaran, and spent 10 days sailing around the Society Islands (French Polynesia). Afterwards, Laurie & I had a great time driving around New Zealand for a week seeing the sites.
(Click on any photo to enlarge.)
French Polynesia

First class...ahhh, ya gotta like it!

Flying into Raitea
(the white line is the surf breaking
on the reef around the lagoon)

Our hotel while on Raitea

Relaxing before we pick up the boat

Full sail

Mom & Dad getting some shade

Another fancy hotel (they like stilts)

Sunset cocktails

Breakfast of champs

Our wonderful cook!

A little exploring

Bora Bora in the distance

An oyster farm. This is where
Tahitian black pearls come from.

Nice sunset shot

Swim at sunset

Laurie's toes

One more sunset pic!

New Zealand

A couple of the places we stayed...

This is zorbing... you get in this giant soft plastic ball, toss in a couple gallons of water, and roll down a 600-foot hill!  TOO much fun!!

Working border collies at the sheep show

The volcanic hot springs and sulphur pools at Rotorua

Bubbling mud. Laurie bought facial masks and soaps made out of this muck!

Bamfield - September 2003
We visited our friends Marc and Judith at their beautiful home in Bamfield, B.C.
(on the west coast of Vancouver Island) for a much needed rest.
(Click on any picture to enlarge.)
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Marc playing badminton
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Making dinner and hanging out
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The "Camperdown 2"
Fishing for salmon, crab, clams and prawns
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Marc and son Geoff
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The catch
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Messy job but someone's gotta do it
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Marcs new filet knife
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One of many wonderful dinners

Aug 16, 2003
Chase-MacGillivray Fire
2003 has been the driest summer here in over 100 years. As of yesterday, there were over 900 forest fires in BC and we seem to be smack dab in the middle of them all!
Coming home from Sun Peaks I managed to snap these pics of a new fire 7 km from Chase
(I took them from the side of the Trans-Canada Hwy). Let's hope we get some rain soon!
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Mexico - March 7-22, 2003

We made our annual jaunt to our second home in Mexico,to relax and spend some QT with the family. Here are some of the better shots...click on any image to enlarge.  
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The Colima volcano, a couple hours' drive from Manzanillo
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Laurie's aunt & uncle's place in Chapalla
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Got refreshments will travel
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We went looking for this famous knife-maker in Sayula -- the same family has been making knives here for 300 years! You can see why we had a hard time finding the place...
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The shop
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The goods
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More knives

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The factory

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Polishing knives
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The latest owner of the knife shop--
the 15th generation!
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Kaelyn posing on our deck
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Laurie lookin' cute
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That's us...
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Entrance to our home
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The usual suspects
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Paco, the one winged pelican
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Views from our deck...
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Our "Tarzan"
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JB's "Double Trouble"

Dec 14, 2002  David Copperfield at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver...

Laurie, Kaelyn and I went to Van to meet Laurie's mom and go see
 the great magician David Copperfield. It was an incredible show,
we had great seats (11th row), and yes...he made Laurie disappear! (She came back.)
You'll have to ask Laurie how he did it...she ain't sayin' nothing to me  :)


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Mexico Sept-Oct 2002
"Tarzan" in dry dock.
Dad and I flew to Manzanillo then drove the boat to PV where we had it 
hauled. We had a bunch of work done to it.
It was the hottest I've ever been, you couldn't breath without sweating! 
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On our way up.
22 hours no sleep, but what an experience!  
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The old guy
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There he is...Dad  
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Pulling Tarzan out of the water
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Tarzan in dry dock
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After a long day installing the new 
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Where we spent most of the day.
Work for 15 minutes, have a beer, etc...
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Our 5-star room -- not!
Thanks Jimmy (oh ya, the fridge doesn't work)
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Some buildup on the old prop, I'd say!


Bamfield - Sept 2002
Laurie and I went to Bamfield to visit Marc and Judith for a day or so...
and ended up staying a week. It was great!
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My beautiful wife on the ferry to Nanaimo


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Photo op!
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Picnic on the logging road to Bamfield


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Me, Marc and Judith at the buffalo bash
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Me, Laurie and Judith


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Kayaking in Barclay Sound
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Laurie and the sea lions


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Ummm....OK, that's toooo close!
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Marc and Laurie looking for more danger


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Us under a huge tree (not sure what kind)
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We were about to take this photo when a weird man ran into the shot!


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He stayed and we took his pic...
he was weird but he had wine!
Elton John Concert
 Aug 28, 2002

Brad & Jane, Al & Lori, Brad & Kelly, Moop & I went to Kelowna for an evening with 
Sir Elton John. Only 7000 tickets were sold and it was an up-close and personal concert!

Click HERE to read the write-up on the concert.

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Mexico - March 2002

(Laurie was taking the pix, so none of her!)

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On our jungle boat ride
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Kae on jungle ride


In October 2001, Brad, Alan and I went to Mexico to fish for marlin and sailfish.
We didn't catch a thing, but we sure had fun! Maybe next year we'll catch something?
(Click on an image to enlarge.)

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Our home in Mexico...it rocks!


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Alan at sunset...


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Don't do it Brad, we have to go fishing at 6:00am!
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Alan trying to look like he's 
having fun...
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The real Alan

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Captain Ron!


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Spoon me baby!
24 Hours of Adrenaline Mountain Bike Race, Silver Star BC Sept 1-3, 2001
Team "Mandibular Disharmany" hit the slopes, not for skiing but for 24 hours of hell!
We rented a great house on the hill (thanks to Andreas and Tammy) where we 
had plenty of room to relax and recover. The race consisted of over 900 riders
from across Canada. There were solo racers, 4-person, 5-person, and corporate teams (us).
Our team consisted of 9 riders and Laurie as the team volunteer.
The riders were:
Anrdeas, Frank, Kevin, Craig, Ian, Malcolm, Mike, Bob, Greg  

(Click any photo to enlarge)

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Craig at the top
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Kevin at finish 1 hr/1min

Ian at the top

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Relaxing after the race

The team!

At the finish

Mexico - Feb 2001
Laurie, Kaelyn and I headed back to our favorite little Mexican getaway, Manzanillo Mexico, where we fished, scuba dived, surfed, and generally just relaxed and drank cold ones.

(Click on any picture to enlarge.)

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Kaelyn's new wet suit


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At the falls for the day
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The falls...very cool


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Kaelyn and fish
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Kaelyn helping fishermen with net


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Kaelyn and her friends
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Kae catching her fish


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After the big catch


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We rock!
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Come on Warren, an engineer can do better than that!
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Argghhh heavy!


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The new boat "Tarzan"
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The new boat "Tarzan"


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St Vincent & The Grenadines - October 2000
We rented a catamaran in the Caribbean Windward Islands for 10 days of sailing the St Vincent Grenadines (located between St Lucia and Grenada, 100 miles north-east of Venezuela).
It was a wonderful trip, we hope to go back again soon.

(Click on any picture to enlarge.)


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A dingy in a dingy


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Looking down at our yacht
from a mountaintop (after hiking over the mountain in the blazing heat to get wine!)

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We slept on deck most nights -- and got up at 5AM when the sun got too hot to sleep.

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Just another ugly beach


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One of the nicer spots...very quiet and relaxing.


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In the Quays...they rocked!
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The Captain and his first mate.


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Mmmm yummy! My birthday dinner!
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Thumbs up for Laurie's first dive in the ocean.

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Getting coconuts the hard way


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Our favorite spot. All there was on this tiny island was a grass umbrella and a
bottle opener.

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All of us relaxing with a cocktail


Diving with sharks


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A beautiful sunset to finish the day

Costa Rica Nov/Dec 2007
Osa Peninsula, Casa Linda


Runway at Peurto Jimenez


Our bed

Entrance to house via deck


Deck looking back into house

From our deck looking down to beach

Dining room looking onto deck


Sunrise from our bed

Our house in the jungle



Our beach looking back to house


Our beach looking left

Our beach looking right


Laurie enjoying book, you can see our house behind her

Sunrise 5:00am


Sunrise 5:00am

Washing the resident smelly dog


Waterfall photo op, 30 minute hike from house

Another small waterfall


Waterfall photo op

Large rock at end of our bay





Ummm ya, that's me


Toucans were numerous, all photos were taken right out our window



Macaws were numerous and noisy!



Sloth with baby

Iguana in truck


Large Hawk came to visit regularly

Toucan in tree beside house


Capuchin and baby

Large Iguana in tree beside house





Capuchins very curious about us

Capuchin in Kitchen


Another Macaw

Squirrel Monkey

Squirrel Monkey


Capuchin Monkey outside house

Lauries bug screen


Short Movie of Monkey coming into our kitchen to pilfer fruit.